Introducing The DR Legacy Fund to support disaster relief
When disaster strikes, Missouri Baptists are among the first on the scene, offering help, hope, and healing. Your faithful giving through the Cooperative Program and the Missouri Missions Offering ensures that victims of disasters get relief – and hear the gospel. And now there’s a way to make individual contributions that last longer and stretch further: The DR Legacy Fund, a new endowment fund created by, and for, Missouri Baptists.
To learn more about the DR Legacy Fund, contact Eric Barb at 800.736.6227 ext. 317, or via email at
What the DR Legacy Fund does
The DR Legacy Fund pools your individual contribution with the individual contributions of others to build an endowment from which the earnings and interest go to fund Missouri Baptist disaster relief efforts – from hot meals to chain saw teams to child care.
Give to the Missouri Baptist Disaster Relief Legacy Fund
Online Giving Form
To give by mail, send your contributions to the Missouri Baptist Convention, 400 E. High St., Jefferson City, MO 65101. Please designate your gifts “DR Legacy Fund.”
To give by phone, call 800.736.6227 ext. 317.