Pray for Turkey

Pray for Turkey

Please be in prayer for those affected by the 7.8 earthquake in southern Turkey.  Preliminary reports are that much damage has occurred but we should be hearing more as the day progresses.

Pray that those covered by rubble will be found alive. Pray for the first responders to meet many needs in a stressful situation. Pray for good to come from this terrible tragedy.

You may recall at the last Annual Meeting Missouri Baptists voted to begin a partnership with Turkey/Central Asia through Send Relief International. We are in touch with Central Asia key leaders regarding the appropriate response to this incident.  

If you would like to give to support earthquake relief efforts, go to or make a check out to Missouri Baptist Disaster Relief, designate it for earthquake relief and mail it to: Missouri Baptist Disaster Relief, 400 E. High St., Jefferson City, MO 65101.
